

My name is Trav.

As far as life goes, I'm just a normal guy living in Perth, Western Australia with my 3 beautiful girls, who I made with my super hot partner in crime. We done good, trust me. ;)

Other than that, I'm a music nut, art-a-holic and during the summer, I'm a total kook on the surf, but I'm determined to learn...

As far as work goes, I'm a dev by day and a designer by night.

That's pretty much me.

If you want to learn more...

  • Wunderman Thompson - My full-time design gig I freakin' love ♥️
  • - A little site for me to sell my art prints I publish on Friyays
  • Queso - My startup side hustle I run with with my mate Ben
  • LinkedIn - Where I hang out professionally
  • Instagram - My personal instagram
  • Behance - Pretty much the same as my insta, but with less baby photos

And here's some other words I wrote...

Instagram @travvvw

  • Happy Friday ✌️

This week’s sure been a doosey, but the weekend is finally at our doorstep. 

And right on time, I’ve finished another weekly portrait while onboard the ol’ @transperth_wa railroad on my way to work.

So… to celebrate these Friday vibes, let’s play a game. Does anyone know who this is?
  • Just a little light reading…
  • Happy Friday 🌞

Seriously, I think it’s gonna be a good one. This sunshine is so good.

And right on queue, I’ve finished another one of my weekly “Friday vibes” portraits. 

This week, my subject was a little more personal. I chose to do one of the late Bunny Wailer from the legendary reggae band The Wailers.

If you don’t know Bunny, he was the last living member of the Wailers (Bob Marley’s band). He died this past March. His gig was the rhythm and harmony sections.

A few years back I was super lucky and got to see him perform live at a little jungle retreat in Tulum, Mexico at 3am in the morning. I was extremely tired by the time he went on, but it was worth the wait. I had the time of my life. I’ll never forget it.

So long story short, Bunny seemed like a good fit for a portrait this week.

With this one, I tried to experiment more with the colors and mix in as many different colors as possible. You have to zoom in to really see them.

Lately, I’ve been trying to push myself out of the palettes I’ve been using, but for some reason I keep going back to a select few. 

Anyways, what do you think?

Thanks for reading, and I hope you have an awesome day. 

Oh and this print, and others are available here:

Happy trails.✌️

  • Happy Friday ✌️

It’s that time again.

For those of you that don’t know, every week I try and do something creative for no other reason than to just let go, have a little fun and reconnect with myself. It’s just good for my soul. 

I set a goal of finishing by Friday and then I just go with the flow. If I don’t finish, no biggie, there’s always next week… it’s about the process, not the outcome.

Anyways, this week, my art project was a portrait of John Lennon.

Why Lennon? Well, lots of reasons, but mostly because of his gospel of peace, love and his awesome vision of humanity living on planet earth together in total harmony. Imagine that! 😀

Such a simple idea.

This quote of his summed it pretty nicely.

“We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections. If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to our ability to love others or our potential to create. Evolution and all hopes for a better world rest in the fearlessness and open-hearted vision of people who embrace life.”
- John Lennon

As always, this print (and others) is available here:

Happy trails. Keep on keepin’ on.
  • Good morning. 🌞
  • She don’t like gettin’ her picture taken, but damn I love takin’ it 😍 😜
  • Good day to go see the rocky pool. It’s super full.
  • Happy Friday.

Another week, and another portrait. Here’s the latest one I drew on my train rides to work.

Available here:
(Link in bio)

Happy trails ✌️
  • Silly town.
  • "Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring."
- Marilyn Monroe

Happy Friday. ✌️

Listen Up

Corny... I know. But for old times sake, I thought I'd just chuck a music player on my site. Why not?
